Bharat Express


The registration process for these properties begins today and operates on a first-come-first-serve basis.

An amazing idea for his afterlife has been hatched by a retired American physics professor, who has always been fascinated by space travel and the prospect of moon colonies.

The group's car was unexpectedly steered off the main route and into Nevada's arid desert by Google Maps.

After his death, a physics professor has grandiose plans for his DNA: he wants to send it to the moon.

When the video first starts, it shows an old man attempting to pull the enormous python out of the bushes while gripping it by the tail.

The public condemned the reckless behavior of passengers that resulted in damage to public property after the post received a lot of attention.

Just looking at this hurts. If the civic mindset isn't changed, no amount of physical infrastructure development will be able to raise the standard of living in the city, the author wrote on November 21.

Salt water gargles are an easy, secure, and reasonably priced home remedy and most frequently used to treat viral respiratory infections

During her adolescent years, Kalpana began to gradually lose her baby teeth one by one. She didn't feel any pain, but eating was difficult for her because food would frequently get stuck in between the extra teeth.

Even though it was an optional stunt, he sobbed several times, even as he was being removed from the coffin.