On social media, a video showing a couple having a private moment inside a moving Delhi Metro train has garnered a lot of attention and anger. The video’s actual recording date is still unknown, but it has quickly spread across a variety of social media channels and received a sizable number of views and shares.
In response to questions on the video, the Delhi Metro underlined the value of reporting such events when they are noticed by other riders. The duo in the video appeared to be making an amorous gesture as the woman sipped from a soft drink and then passed the beverage to her male partner’s mouth.
A few other passengers can be seen in the background of the film appearing astonished and uneasy by the couple’s odd behavior.
Many people on social media platform “X” expressed their vehement opposition to the film, which they saw as an intentional attempt to attract attention.
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has actively used social media to raise awareness and has frequently urged commuters to report such events as soon as they are seen.
“Well, we’re attempting to increase awareness on social media, and we’ve also continually pleaded with travelers. If other passengers witness these, they should report them right once, the DMRC said in a statement.
Also read: PDA costed this UP couple a hefty amount of Rs. 8,000 after video goes viral
The distribution of movies and “reels” shot inside metro trains has increased recently, frequently with content that is debatable. Concerns concerning the necessity for acceptable conduct and oversight inside the Delhi Metro system have been raised as a result of this trend.
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