Bharat Express

First Time Ever, AI-Powered Drone Beats World-Champion Human Pilots

In the field of fast drone racing, Swift, an artificial intelligence drone pilot, has defeated the greatest human pilots.

Aritifical Intelligence (AI)

Aritifical Intelligence (AI)

In several areas, artificial intelligence (AI) has made considerable strides and has proven to be superior to humans in some activities and domains. In recent years, AI has proven its aptitude for various tasks by utilizing its advantages in big data processing, pattern recognition, optimization, and performing repeated calculations. It has consequently demonstrated impressive levels of task performance across a variety of domains.

Aritifical Intelligence (AI)

An AI-powered drone recently trounced three human drone pilots who were world champions in a high-speed racing competition, continuing its record of outperforming human accomplishments in a variety of fields. Based on The Guardian The Swift AI, created by researchers at the University of Zurich, outperformed world champions in 15 out of 25 races and recorded the quickest lap time on a course where drones can travel at speeds of up to 80 km/h (50 mph) and experience accelerations of up to 5 g, which can cause many people to pass out.

Elia Kaufmann, a researcher who worked on Swift, remarked that the outcome “marks the first time that a robot powered by AI has defeated a human champion in a real physical sport designed for and by humans.”
in the first person. Drone racing involves maneuvering a drone around a circuit that is littered with gates that must be navigated without incident to prevent a collision. Through a video feed from a camera attached to the drone, the pilots can see the course.

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Kaufmann and his coworkers detail a series of head-to-head competitions between Swift and three top drone racers, Thomas Bitmatta, Marvin Schapper, and Alex Vanover, in the journal Nature. The human pilots got a week to practice on the course prior to the competition, while Swift trained in a virtual simulation of the course.