Bharat Express

Elon Musk Unveils ‘Private Likes’ Feature For Enhanced User Privacy On Platform X

On Wednesday, Elon Musk, CEO of X, confirmed the introduction of a groundbreaking feature set to revolutionize user interaction on the platform.


On Wednesday, Elon Musk, CEO of X, confirmed the introduction of a groundbreaking feature set to revolutionize user interaction on the platform.

This new feature, dubbed “private likes,” aims to enhance user privacy and foster a more comfortable online environment.

The essence of private likes lies in their default concealment.

Users will now have the option to hide their likes by default, thus granting them the freedom to express appreciation for content without the fear of public scrutiny.

Musk emphasized the importance of enabling individuals to engage with posts without facing potential backlash.

Importance Of Online Autonomy For Fearless Expression

Musk emphasized the significance of preserving users’ online autonomy, stating that this move crucially allows people to express their appreciation without fear of attack.

Haofei Wang, X’s director of engineering, elaborated on the rationale behind the implementation of private likes.

In a previous announcement, Wang stated that the shift towards private likes aims to safeguard users’ public image and mitigate the adverse effects of public endorsement.

“Public likes often incentivize undesirable behavior,” Wang remarked, shedding light on the platform’s objective of fostering a more positive and inclusive online community.

Meanwhile, the implementation of private likes addresses prevalent concerns. Users are often reluctant to engage with certain content due to potential repercussions from online trolls or the need to safeguard their public persona.

Wang further elucidated the mechanics of private likes, reassuring users that their interactions would remain discreet.

When a user likes a post, only the author will receive a notification, ensuring that the gesture remains between the user and the content creator.

Additionally, Wang hinted at the possibility of customizing visibility settings to accommodate individual preferences.

“Like visibility will be restricted to the user and the content author, with the option for further customization,” Wang affirmed, highlighting the platform’s commitment to empowering users with greater control over their online interactions.

The introduction of private likes marks a significant milestone in X’s ongoing efforts to enhance user experience and promote a more inclusive digital environment.

By prioritizing privacy and user autonomy, X aims to redefine the dynamics of online interaction and empower users to engage with content freely and authentically.

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