The Maha Kumbh festivities in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, reached a significant moment on Wednesday when Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, along with his entire cabinet, took a holy dip at the Triveni Sangam. This deeply religious ritual, believed to wash away sins, was performed by the Chief Minister and 54 other ministers, including Deputy Chief Ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak.
Before embarking on the spiritual journey, the Uttar Pradesh cabinet held an important meeting at the Triveni complex in Prayagraj. The meeting, chaired by CM Yogi, focused on decisions aimed at improving the infrastructure of the pilgrimage city. According to a post shared by the Chief Minister’s office on social media platform X, “Important decisions have been taken in the meeting for the progress and public welfare of the state.”
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Originally planned for the Mela Authority Auditorium, the meeting venue was changed due to concerns over VIP security potentially disrupting pilgrims’ movement. Following the meeting, the cabinet members boarded motorboats to travel to the Sangam, where they performed religious rituals and took the ceremonial dip in the sacred river.
A Historic Moment For The Cabinet
This marks the second time that the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet has held a meeting in the Sangam city during the Kumbh Mela. The first was in 2019, when CM Yogi and his ministers, along with other religious figures including Akhada Parishad President Narendra Giri, participated in the ceremonial dip.
As the cabinet members made their way to the ghat, TV cameras captured the historic moment. In a heartwarming gesture, CM Yogi was also seen feeding migratory birds during the boat ride to the Ganga ghat, further adding to the symbolic significance of the occasion.
The ceremony and the cabinet’s decisions demonstrate the state government’s continued focus on enhancing Prayagraj’s infrastructure while maintaining its deep-rooted religious and cultural heritage.
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