Bharat Express

Samsung Electronics Workers To Launch Three-Day Strike Over Wage Dispute

The union has demanded more paid leave and compensation for economic losses incurred during unpaid strikes.

Samsung Electronics Workers To Launch Three-Day Strike

Samsung Electronics Workers To Launch Three-Day Strike

Unionize workers of Samsung Electronics  set to stage a three-day general strike next week after wage and working condition negotiations with management broke down.

The National Samsung Electronics Union (NSEU), the largest labor union with 28,000 members, announced the strike would begin next Monday and last for three days.

This group represents approximately 22 percent of Samsung Electronics’ total workforce of about 125,000, according to Yonhap news agency.

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While the exact number of union workers participating in the strike is uncertain, significant production disruptions are consider unlikely.

“We will engage in a full strike, without pay and without work, until our demands are met,” stated Son Woo-mok, president of the NSEU.

Since January, multiple negotiation rounds have failed to resolve differences over wage increase rates, vacation systems, and bonuses.

The union has called for a one-day vacation for all employees and a substantial salary increase for the 855 members who did not agree to the 2024 salary negotiation terms.

Additionally, the union has demanded more paid leave and compensation for economic losses incurred during unpaid strikes.

In June, unionized workers at Samsung Electronics held a one-day strike, marking the company’s first labor walkout.