Bharat Express

Fake News with Millions of Views on Google

Fake news is being supported by Google itself? The question needs to know the fact,  Google Ads is funding misinformation across the world.

Numerous infamous websites are preoccupied spreading fake news on Google and are earning thousands of dollars out of the  Google Ads. In other words, misinformation around the world is being funded by Google Ads.

Funneling revenue to various  web’s most prolific vendors of false information around  Europe and across Latin America and Africa. This is the revelation of a ProPublica investigation with.

The American multinational technology company has committed to fighting disinformation across the world publically. Neverthiless, in accordance with a ProPublica analysis which is the first ever of its kind conducted at this scale, Google is sprawling automated digital ad operation placing ads from major brands on the international website and thus false claims are being spread on such topics as climate change, elections, Covid-19, and vaccines, Covid-19.

One of the recent such instances reveals Google continued to place advertisement on a publication in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it continued for months after the American government officially imposed ban on the site with certain sanctions.

This compelled Google to stop doing business with the site, and this is when the US Treasury Department considered it as the “personal media station”, as told to ProPublica by a prominent Bosnian Serb separatist politician.

Being a major source of revenue for the Google through its sites, the election disinformation in Brazil is seen spreading which includes notably false claims about the voting system integrity of the voting system, and significantly, that were advanced by Jair Bolsonaro, incumbent president of the country.

It is also found in the investigation, the sites pushing falsehoods about Covid-19 and climate change in French, German and, Spanish-speaking countries are being pushed with adverts by Google regularly.

This results in a potentially worth millions of dollars ad revenue for the people and groups who are running these and other unreliable sites – which also accumulates lots of money for Google.