Bharat Express


Yemen's Houthi militia group has targeted two commercial vessels in the Gulf of Aden, launching missile attacks in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza

UN Secretary-General Chief Antonio Guterres denounced the strike as another horrific example of the price that civilians are paying

In recent months, the Houthis have stepped up attacks on ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, demanding that Israel cease the war in Gaza, which has killed over 36,000 Palestinians

The battle between Hezbollah and Israel has killed 477 persons on the Lebanese side, including 301 Hezbollah fighters and 89 civilians

Mayor Ihor Terekhov of Kharkiv announced the death toll and number of wounded

Russia has undertaken some of its most devastating strikes on Ukraine's energy facilities in recent months

A solar storm, the first in over two decades, caused celestial light shows and risked satellite and power system outages due to coronal mass ejections from a larger sunspot cluster

Russia previously announced that it was planning additional nuclear weapons drills, citing 'threats' given by Western leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron and British authorities

Hamas announced Monday evening that it had told mediators Egypt and Qatar of its approval of their proposal regarding a ceasefire in the seven-month-old war

The strike looked to be aimed at an Iranian Air Force base near the city of Isfahan, deep within the country, but it did not hit any strategic sites or do major damage