Bharat Express


As a member of NATO, Finland is subject to Article 5

Finland is set to officially become a member of NATO later on Tuesday and take its place among the ranks of the world's biggest security alliance

Responding to another question, Kirby said the US does not think that China has taken providing lethal aid to Russia off the table

Russia took control of Crimea in 2014

Right after the death of Yankina who fell from 160 feet a probe has begun regarding her mysterious fall. Press Service of the Western Military District 'Fontanka'  and the RIC (Russian Investigative Committee) have started their investigation sensing it a 'murder'..

American President, Joe Bidenpushed for a two-for-one deal, nevertheless,  Russia replied only Griner is going to head home — or no one will.

Seemingly Now after fourteen long years, the NATO prepares to renew a vow in favor of Ukraine. The foreign ministers are gathering in the Romanian capital Bucharest. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization appears to be concerned for real about the situation Ukraine is undergoing due to the Russian aggression. Now its foreign ministers are going …

Finally met PM Modi with his Russian counterpart President Putin during the SCO Summit 2022. And this meeting is very significant from the perspective of India and Russia as well. All eyes were on the two global leaders’ meet in the SCO summit 2022. Though there was one more significant presence eco around which went …

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has last night reached to Uzbekistan for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit 2022. Samarkand city hosting the Regional SCO Summit will witness the significant meeting of PM Modi and President Putin. Modi was among the last leaders reaching to Samarkand on Thursday evening for the summit.  So far there are …

The most awaited Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit begins with the presence of three world powers’ representation today. This is Regional Summit de SCO beginning today in Uzbekistan is being eyed by the world being too significant towards the future international relationship and actions. Though the suspense about the Indian talk with China is still not …