Bharat Express

Omar Abdullah

While making the announcement, party president Farooq Abdullah informed reporters in this location that Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi, a well-known Shia leader, will run from the Srinagar constituency in central Kashmir, which has historically supported the NC.

Abdullah, it is clear that the BJP intends to use religion to influence the next Lok Sabha elections.

The Srinagar Police has implemented a temporary ban on the flying of drones and quadcopters in the city, designating it a "Temporary Red Zone" for drone operations during the period of the visit.

PM Modi will dedicate the new Parliament building to the country on May 28.

National Conference leader Omar Abdullah on Tuesday said that the BJP does not want assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir as it will lose the polls.

Abdullah said Rahul started the yatra over concern at attempts to create communal tension and target minorities.

A neo-speculation is hovering over the political edifices of India suggesting a possible amity between NC and BJP. The recent statement by Omar Abdullah insinuates something towards a new political beginning. About the BJP, Abdullah is heard saying, – ‘‘We do not have to hate each other’ National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah also added …