Bharat Express


The Blue World Institute states that pink or white dolphins are unusual and sometimes related to albinism. Sadly, because of the attention that these unusual species attract from people, they may occasionally be taken captive.

The explosion happened near a car in which the security officials were traveling

One of the riskiest places in the world for journalists to work is Mexico. According to Reporters Without Borders (RSF), more than 150 journalists have been murdered in the nation since 2000.

The celebration symbolises the blending of cultures and brings joy to the people. The mayor dances with the reptile bride. The mayor kisses the snake on the snout to mark the end of the ceremony.

Temperatures have dropped in recent days as the rainy season has brought much-needed precipitation. However, temperatures in some northern cities remain high

Every year, around 140,000 employment-based green cards are issued. However, only seven percent of those green cards can go to individuals from a single country annually.

The 11-year-old prodigy is also a public speaker and hopes one day to be an astronaut...

The president said he was flown back to Mexico City aboard an “air ambulance,” but specified he was not carried in a stretcher.

It is the second deepest known blue hole in the world

He advocated for solutions to climate change and efforts to ensure access to abortion.