Bharat Express


The two accused were placed under transit remand for three days after their arrest by an NIA special court.

Ukrainian military intelligence spokesperson Andriy Yusov reiterated his country's innocence, emphasizing their focus on defending against Russian aggression rather than targeting civilians.

Security measures have been significantly heightened across airports, transport hubs, and the capital city of Moscow.

The STF claims that the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in New Delhi and the Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) in Lucknow have opened multiple cases against these two.

Investigation Agency (NIA) has already charged all 11 people involved in the investigation, which was filed last year.

ANP Provincial President Aimal Wali Khan and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Chief Maulana Fazlur Rahman were the two terrorists who were apprehended during an intelligence-based operation in Peshawar.

This courageous documentary sheds light on the profound damage inflicted by ISIS on Islam and Muslims, particularly Muslim women, through cruelty, sexual violence, and worldwide victimization.

According to Israeli President Isaac Herzog, the instructions included comprehensive blueprints of a "cyanide dispersion device" that were based on a chemical weapon concept from Al Qaeda from 2003.

Islamic State fighters carried out an attack against Swedish nationals

Shehnawaz attended Dars on a regular basis and gradually became radicalised. Rizwan and he first met at this time.