Bharat Express

India news

There are currently 13 airports where domestic travelers can use Digi Yatra, including Delhi, Mumbai, and Varanasi.

Home Minister also said that the root cause of terrorism in the region was nothing but Article 370, which was abrogated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government in 2019.

In the last year, there have been 300–400 drone sightings; 90 of the drones were shot down, and many more were found.

Singer Shubh said that at the London show, he was pelted with clothing and that, when he held up the hoodie commemorating Indira Gandhi's killing, he failed to notice it.

The workshop witnessed a series of captivating sessions led by distinguished resource persons from the Charkha Development Communication Network.

The victim and his family have allegedly been coerced by the principal defendant, Vikram Singh (28), and eight members of his family to drop the sexual harassment claim that the victim's sister had made against Singh...

Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have emerged as the two best-performing states among the states, with Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh sharing third place. Chandigarh has the most crore out of all the Union Territories....