Bharat Express

Gopal Rai

Delhi Minister and AAP Leader Gopal Rai said, "In a way, BJP went to the extent of stealing votes in Chandigarh to form Mayor..."

Rai further outlined plans, stating that “all people of Delhi” would gather at the Prime Minister's residence for a ‘gherao’.

Delhi's PM2.5 level worsened from 89.1 micrograms per cubic metre in 2022 to 92.7 micrograms per cubic metre in 2023, according to the report.

Gopal Rai, the environment minister for Delhi, announced on that the odd-even vehicle rationing scheme has been temporarily suspended

The minister said that all schools in the nation's capital will be closed until November 10th, with the exception of Classes 10 and 12.

Environment Minister Gopal Rai suggested the people to switch- off  their vehicles while waiting at the traffic signals.