Bharat Express

Farmers Protest

The farmers, primarily from Punjab, have been steadfast in their determination to march towards Delhi, demanding a legal guarantee for the minimum support price (MSP).

The Delhi Police had imposed Section 144 citywide and fortified its borders in anticipation of the protest.

Police fired tear gas on hundreds of farmers during ‘Delhi Chalo’ protest as they break barricades, hurl stones.

In the ongoing farmers' protest, over 200 farmer unions are set to commence a march tomorrow, advocating for various demands, notably the implementation of a law ensuring a minimum support price (MSP) for crops.

This move is expected to cause inconvenience to travelers between Chandigarh and Delhi. Alternative routes have been announced by the police for commuters.

Two days earlier, the Chief Minister had extended an invitation to farmers for a conversation. He asked them not to obstruct roads because it is inconvenient for the wider community.

The charges brought against the farmer leaders will be dismissed. BKU chief Gurnam Singh Chaduni will also be released. He was in Judicial Custody.

"India, was a country that had many requests around the farmers' protests, around particular journalists that were critical of the government," said Jack Dorsey

Two farmers died on the spot while two more died later in the hospital also Raman Kashyap, a 28-year-old journalist working with the private TV news channel was among those killed.

The fierce demonstration of the farmers in Chausa of Buxar, the police started chasing them by lathi charge .The farmers broke the glasses of the police vehicles and set them on fire