Bharat Express

Emmanuel Macron

Macron did not specify how many missiles will be dispatched

Since the commencement of the war in February 2022, Russia and Ukraine have repeatedly accused one other of endangering the plant's safety

Several leaders expressed their condolences over the tragedy in which 288 people have been killed and over 1,000 injured.

cron had expressed his pleasure over PM Modi's visit to attend the Parade in Paris. He tweeted both in French and Hindi language...

Macron’s comments have drawn several interpretations. For some, this is a sign of chink in the US-led alliance while others view it as an indication that France might be slowly gravitating towards the Chinese pole.

Donald Trump appeared in an interview after his conviction by the US court and in his interview, he stated, “World is blowing up and the US has absolutely no say.”

President Macron said that he wanted to talk about “Ukraine, but also about all the major conflicts and the difficult situations around the world”

Amidst the ongoing tensions in Paris, President of France, President Emmanuel Macron has urgently called for a meeting of his ministers...

India has taken charge of Group Twenty presidency on 01 December 2022. French President Macron has shared a picture of his meeting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Now world seems to be delighted with Indian captaincy of the top most powerful countries of the world. This tweet by Macron’s supports Indian aspiration of  ‘one earth, …