Bharat Express


Drinking betel leaf water helps in getting rid of problems like cold, cough and flu. It also helps to gets rid of phlegm and bile dosha.

Easy way to stay fit and healthy, then hot water can prove to be the best. By consuming hot water, not only the increasing weight can be controlled, but it can also provide many health benefits.

To avoid indigestion in summer and keep gut healthy, here are a few thing that should be included in diet.

Here are 2 homemade recipes to get rid of any kind of digestive problems during this festive season.

In order to get relief from constipation one should eat fiber rich food.

Though constipation has not yet been considered as a modern day disease but it certainly is bothering every third person today as a victim of life style. The question asked by the people who know what Splinting is – Can it help constipation? The answer goes without saying with the phrase – when in doubt, …