Bharat Express

8-year-old raped by two minors in Ghaziabad

An eight-year-old girl was allegedly raped by two teenage boys in Trans Hindon area, police said on Sunday.”The girl was alone at her home on Saturday when the boys, both aged 14, entered her home in their neighbourhood and raped her,” Deputy Commissioner of Police Nimish Patil said. “An FIR has been registered at the Kaushambi police station and the accused have been apprehended,” the DCP said. In a separate case, a 10-year-old girl was allegedly raped by her 14-year-old cousin in an area under the Tronica City police station. According to police, the accused took the girl to a cattle shed and raped her. The accused fled the spot when the girl raised an alarm. Loni Assistant Commissioner of Police Suryabali Maurya said upon getting a message from the control room, police reached there and sent the girl for medical examination. Police have lodged a case and apprehended the accused.
