Bharat Express


Keep an open mind! – this is a common phrase we keep encountering daily. Apparently it’s tough to go on in life with an open mind, nevertheless, not too tough pragmatically. Positivity and growth are complementary to each other with open-mindedness. That supports towards taking risks, grabbing opportunities, managing uncertainties and understanding people and things …

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. -Benjamin Disraeli Uncertainty and the likelihood of breakdown can be very uneasy and the deliberations of itself are disturbing. Many times we are choosing low spirits over inconstancy, many times to our amazement, it turned out that it was not as scary …

The Elephant and the Rope have something for us to learn out of life. One day a man walked past a camp of elephants. Looking closely, I was surprised to see that these mighty animals weren’t held in cages or kept in chains. What was the only thing stopping them from setting themselves free? A …