Bharat Express


Happiness is fuel for life. In fact without happiness life is not worth calling life. In other words happiness is the soul of life which requires us to keep maintaining pace with it every day, no matter what the situation is. Though modern life style says happiness is the outcome of our materialist fulfilment to …

This is miraculously true. Around forty two percent people have fallen back in love with their life partners, thanks to  a going on vacation together This is a productive poll showing around 42 percent of Americans say that going on a vacation with their partner has helped them fall back in love with their life …

Life is a puzzle in practicality which keeps taming you every time you intend to tame it. Be it our past or present or may be future, nothing goes exactly the way we want them to. We keep chasing the things which are not always meant to be for us. The time-frame of life is …

Being a class clown in high school who knew one day would be a career option. The people who once in their schooling days used to be the fun factor of their class were said to be the notorious ones and the teachers used to tell them to “get serious else how are you planning …

The constant pain kills the joy of life. This is an omnipresent as well as omnipotent human problem. No matter who you are, there will always be some kindaa insecurity in your life. Good news is this that it is not imperishable, we can overcome this natural problem. Our insecurities are in a way supportive …

Saint Nicholas is often referenced as the inspiration of present-day Santa Claus. The ancient resting place of Saint Nicholas, the model for the legend of Santa Claus, was found by archaeologists under a church in southern Turkey. The saint was interred at a church built in the province of Antalya, Turkey, in the fourth century …

Once you have decided to quit, you can quit anything any way. It is gonna be easy or tough, that depends upon the individual as well as the situation he or she undergoes. As such quitting smoking is not impossible and there are many ways it can be done. You yourself can also find ways …

If opportunity doesn’t knock build a door.  Julianna Rittenberg has always sought out inspiration and drive to keep herself going. She covered the wall surrounding her bedroom mirror with countless Post-it notes with phrases over the summer between her freshman and sophomore years of high school. By the time she graduated from high school, the …

A “motivating” mother of two recently revealed how she paid off $21,000 in debt in just eight months. Ruth Taylor continued to save an additional £10,000 for an “emergency fund” in addition to wiping out the debt, with a £4,500 trip to Florida, the family is currently preparing for its first vacation abroad in seven …

The ISRO chief expressed delight at what is happening in India, particularly in the space sector, with the startup ecosystem. The world looks to India as an inspiration because of what the country has accomplished in the space sector over the last Sixty years, said S. Somanath, chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization, on …