Bharat Express


Panchanan Rai – “Hello, is this SP sir, I am speaking to? SP – Yes, Sir Panchanan Rai – This is Panchanan Rai speaking SP – Jai Hind, Sir Panchanan Rai – Are you guys in your police station unable to differentiate between a teacher and a terrorist? SP – Sir, Sir Panchanan Rai – …

They say, the damaged souls still have their worth. And there is not even an iota of doubt about it. Let us go through an instance. once people in a fine morning saw a sign board -‘Puppies For Sale’ which was placed over the door of a shop. Usually any such signs has a tendency …

Here’s bringing you many different, fun and thoughtful ways to be kinder each day.  13th November is World Kindness Day and this year the theme is ‘Be Kind Whenever Possible’.  “Kindness Is Free, Sprinkle It Everywhere” says Louise Pistole, Best selling author of Discover Your Joy. We couldn’t agree more with her and to help …

Life begins every morning. Every morning there is a new life awaiting your arrival. Why don’t you make it the best of your morning today? Let us all learn today our morning routine hacks that bring productivity, clarity and structure to our day. No matter how sad we sleep, we always wake up happy and …

The question is -Can we find happiness in life? -if yes then how? The second question is really a little difficult to find answer for. We constantly keep thinking about how to find happiness in life. Life as such is the same happiness giving to everyone but dealing with it every time is different in …

Growth is the process of life and career is the path of life. Career continues itself at the work place teaching us something new every day. Inspiration there in the office itself can help a lot in towards success in the professional abilities. There certainly are inspirations all around us and there’s some inspiration behind …

Human progress is a constant process in life. Desires expect achieving success in every nook and corner of the journey. Here keeping yourself positive does help you go a long way. You must have been hearing someone saying, “It is all here, on your mind?” This is undoubtedly true. What you do is what you …

When human actions are concerned, it is believed that they are motivated by our physiological and psychological needs. In order to explain the fact, hierarchy of needs is something to be considered as the base. How it works, what kind of needs are there and their impact along with the criticisms has to be gone …

One must seek significance if that is what matters to him.  Though it can vary person to person, still on an individual basis personally, more external pressure, more right or wrong, morality, more desires to be something do lead to suffering. Let us seek simplicity and happiness in life through contentment. Financial success being a …

“I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all.” Mark the words by Leo …