Bharat Express

This 21st Century Young Graduate Cab Driver Is Face Of New India, Who Will Not Stop At Anything To Create Better life!

As I made a booking I was totally unaware that what I was going to encounter was the face of a rapidly changing new India. I was in for a pleasant surprise….

Young Graduate Cab Driver

Young Graduate Cab Driver new face of India

It was one of those hot summer Delhi days and meandering through the streets of Delhi sometimes the only option left is the comfort of a cab. Having dealt with most app-based aggregator cab and auto services for a while now, my experience of them has generally been about having to deal with drivers who have mostly left me stressed.

As I made a booking I was totally unaware that what I was going to encounter was the face of a rapidly changing new India. I was in for a pleasant surprise.

A cab ride with a life lesson like no other

I called my driver as the app wasn’t showing any movement and a polite and courteous voice reminiscent of the hospitality industry from the other end replied, ”I will be there in just five minutes, ma’am”.

It wasn’t because he spoke in English that he caught my attention, there was a dignity and politeness in his voice that had a different tone to it than what I was used to.

I opened the cab door and was suddenly exposed to the sounds of very loud, but very tasteful music. Plus it was a neat and clean car.

A very sharply dressed, good-looking gentleman in a black tee and jeans with shades to match was behind the wheel. This was one well-turned-out man and this was no ordinary cab ride as I was about to find out.

Changing face of new India: 21st-century jobs and hopes

Within a few minutes I could figure out this was the face of the new India, 21st-century jobs had dignity and no job was too small. Maybe it was the only refuge of the unemployed youth or maybe it was a change in mindset that no job is too small.

This is Modi’s India where the chaiwala is also a PM and MBA chaiwala is not just a chaiwala anymore but the owner of a booming business.

The picture in reality may or may not be so rosy. I was tempted to congratulate this man who had given the profession the much needed respect and dignity. I started by asking him for a charging cable and he was extremely helpful. It gave me an insight into this young gentleman and how many others like him might need the inspiration and should not suffer in unemployment because of the status of a job.

The man in question

Gurpreet Singh, 27, has also had the privilege of driving the famous chef, Sokhi once who too was very impressed with this young lad’s effort in pursuit of a better life.

I got into an informal chat with Singh and here’s what I found out.

Singh hails from Amritsar and did his graduation from the Open University at Delhi in 2017. Due to financial constraints he could not pursue a regular college education and did part time jobs while getting his graduation degree. During this time he got some exposure working in the live events industry.

He also did a short stint at the GMR, Delhi International Airport customer service in 2021. The courtesy and politeness he extends in his job is testimony to his time spent at the International Customer Service Desk.

Four wheel drive to survival

Since, Singh was not armed with the brand of a big college degree, the jobs weren’t coming easy. So, after a year or two of part-time gigs he did the next best thing one can do with a car and made it a source of living.

He has been a commercial driver for the last four years. When he started out he didn’t have a car.

He used his ingenuity and rented a car. His father was already doing this after having to quit his job as an administrative staff at a school due to no job security.

Singh finally saved up enough and now he drives his own car. He is his own boss, works for as long as he wants and as and when he wants. His family is extremely supportive of him though people around him have changed their attitude ever since he took on the job.

Drive up for success or survival

Singh is a practical guy, who has seen many struggles at a young age. He makes no bones about the fact that he is doing this as a stepping stone for bigger and better things. He aims to establish his own business in the food or garments sector. He is even eyeing settling abroad.