Heat Wave: People At Risk, Here’s How You Can Protect Yourself
According to experts age plays a crucial role in determining the level of risk at which an individual is. Young children and infants who are under 4 are at risk as their body is believed to be less efficient at regulating fast-changing temperatures. kids from 5 to 12 are more active outdoors so they are less likely to recognize heat stress symptoms.
4 Best Seeds For Strengthening Immune System In Summer
Here is a list of seeds that should consume on a daily basis to remain healthy during summers.
3 Magnesium Rich Food For Muscle-Bone Health To Add In Diet This Summer
Here is a list of summertime-friendly meals high in magnesium.
Benefits Of Having Bael Patra in Summers!
Here are a few advantages of having bael patra in summers....
Facing Digestive Problems In summer? Try These 3 Things To Get Relief
To avoid indigestion in summer and keep gut healthy, here are a few thing that should be included in diet.
Feeling Tired This Summer? Try Mint Water To Stay Hydrated and Relaxed!
Mint is a member of the Mentha plant family and has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic treatment. Here are a few benefits of drinking mint water.
Tofu Vs Paneer: Know Here Which Is Healthier?
Since the two are drawn from distinct sources and selecting one over the other depends on a number of factors and lifestyle, going for one of them might be challenging.
3 Lemon Based Drinks To Keep You Cool This Summer
Here are a few recipes to make different types of lemon based drinks that will keep you cool and hydrated this summer.
Tired Of Itching Due To Sweat In Summer? Follow These Tips To Get Relief
Here are a few tips to get relief from itching due to sweat in summer....
3 Night Shifts Alone Can Increase Diabetes And Obesity Risks
In the study published in the Journal of Proteome Research, the scientists described a master biological clock in the brain, which causes the body to follow day and night cycles