Bharat Express

Maha Shivratri Special: Know The Longest Love-Story Over The Ages

He lost his Shakti “SATI” as his first wife. And reunited with his Shakti in her next incarnation as “PARVATI”.



Lord Shiva and Goddess Sati’s Love Story

The core part of this story is related to  Lord Brahma, who is also known as the God of creation in Hindu Mythology

The Story-

Brahma begins to perform penance in order to appease Shiva because he is unable to create females for procreation.

Shiva, who is delighted with Brahma’s penance after a number of heavenly eras have passed, presents himself to him as Ardhanarishvara and asks questions as to what he desires.

Once Brahma told Shiva about his issue, Shiva detached his left half, known as “Shakti,” to assist him.

Lord Brahma answers Shakti’s question about what he needs by explaining the problem he is currently experiencing.

Then, with joy, Shakti grants him the blessing of creating females through his mind who can conceive naturally.

Read what happens next:

Brahma requests Shakti to take on human form as Daksha, his son, on Earth.

Shakti accepts his kind request and disappears from the scene, and later she takes birth as the daughter of King Daksha’s daughter.

This is how Sati sees Shiva: 

The way sati admires shiva while he wanders across the mountain, Sati is drawn to shiva like a magnet and she develops feelings for him and desires to wed him. Daksha, Sati’s father, disagrees with her decision.

He dislikes Lord Shiva because he frequents crematoriums, walks around naked, rubs ash on his body, and dances. He attempts to stop Sati, but she ignores him because she is deeply in love.

She later left her home and married Shiva.

In order to teach a lesson to both Shiva and Sati, Daksha chose to organize a Yagna. All kinds of celestial beings, including gods, goddesses, and Devas, were invited. Shiva and Sati aren’t invited, though. When Sati learns about her father’s grand yagna, she becomes eager to attend.

You weren’t invited, Shiva tells her. So, you should stay home.

Sati says,” The Yagna is held at my father’s home, so an invitation is not necessary. It could be a mistake.”

Sati ignored Shiva’s advice and headed to the Yagna.

Sati’s father immediately asks her, “Why have you come? No one has invited you.

Why don’t you invite Shiva? asks Sati. Why are you acting in this manner since he is also your son-in-law and all the gods and devas respect him?

Daksh replies

I won’t welcome a man who wanders about naked, smears ash on his body, dances in a crematorium is homeless, and hangs out with ghosts and snakes.

Sati gets offended and throws herself into the Yagna fire and burns to death.

Because of her father’s cruel behaviors, Shiva loses Sati.

And as a result, Lord Shiva becomes extremely furious

Shiva takes the ferocious form of Virabhadra (a manifestation of Lord Shiva) as a result of his excessive righteous rage and beheads King Daksha.

Yet, this event opens the door for another Shiva love story.

Here’s what happens next

Shiva and Parvati’s Love Story

Like Sati, She has been a devoted follower of Shiva since she was a young girl, and she aspires to marry Shiva.

Shiva, however, is not drawn to her as a lover. In the depths of his meditation, he loses all awareness of the world’s material reality.

Goddess Parvati offers Lord Shiva a variety of gifts, including flowers, but nothing has succeeded in getting Shiva to think.

Then she made the decision to seek assistance from Kamdeva, the god of Kama Kama, who has the power to create lust in anyone’s thoughts with the power of his bow.

Kama attempts to provoke lust in Shiva with an arrow, but Shiva is unaffected.

Shiva wakes from his meditation, unlocks his third eye, and destroys Kama with a raging fire.

Parvati becomes frightened. Yet, she is continuing to be persistent.

She rethinks about her next move and chooses to invoke Shiva using penance and devotion (not in a cunning way as Kama does).

She refrains from all of her comforts, including her expensive clothes and meals.

She only eats leaves, but eventually, she stops doing that, too.

She stands on one leg in a snow-covered, fire-filled area as she performs Tapasya.

Shiva begins to sense her presence and ultimately awakens from his meditation state as a result of the intense heat generated by this act in her body.

Shiva shows himself in front of her and asks about her desired boon. She declares that she wishes to wed Shiva.

Shiva accepts her proposal.

After that, he asks Parvati, “Are you sure that you want to marry a homeless mendicant who wanders from place to place?”

“Yes,” responds Goddess Parvati.

Do you not want a more deserving, wealthy, and powerful husband? Shiva asks her once more.

Parvati replies, “No.”

She overcomes Lord Shiva’s efforts to divert and discourage her. You’ll need to visit my house to ask my father for my hands, Parvati tells Shiva.

Lord Shiva grants her wish. He traveled to the palace of King Himavat while riding on his bull.

He joyously gets her father’s approval after asking for Parvati’s hands. After the wedding, Parvati travels to Lord Shiva’s hut in Kailash with him.

This is Lord Shiva’s love story.

He lost his Shakti “SATI” as his first wife.

And reunited with his Shakti in her next incarnation as “PARVATI”.

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