Bharat Express

Double Standards Can Ruin Your Relationship, Know How It Can Lead To Your Breakup

Here are a few ways that applying double standards can damage a relationship, from disrespect to impeding personal development.

Double standards

Double standards

A relationship might be irreparably harmed by double standards. It’s critical to discuss double standards with our partners as soon as we become aware of them to prevent a bigger problem from developing. Relationships suffer from having double standards. When they’re around, they damage trust and emotional safety by eroding feelings of emotional safety and connection. Therapist Lucille Shackleton writes on how double standards may wreck a relationship: “To have a healthy and happy relationship, it is necessary to recognize and resolve any of these standards that may be present.

These standards describe how couples are treated differently by each other. It also refers to the various expectations and sets of guidelines for various partners. Double standards can occur in a relationship when one spouse is treated differently from the other in the same circumstance. Continued these standards may cause resentment and disagreement, which may then result in emotional abuse.

Here are some points where a relationship can be ruined just because of Double standards:

Contempt: Using different standards for different situations leads to an imbalance of authority and responsibility in a relationship, which over time can breed contempt and make the other person feel undervalued.

Communication: By preventing the partners from being open and honest with one another, also creates boundaries in the relationship and a climate of dishonesty. One spouse may feel uncomfortable talking openly because they are worried about being criticized and misunderstood for doing so.

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Self-esteem: When we experience these standards in a relationship, it can negatively affect our sense of self. This results in a decreased sense of self-worth and confidence, as well as a feeling of being insufficient in the relationship.