After a late-night train accident at Mathura Junction in Uttar Pradesh, chaos erupted at the railway station. According to media sources, an EMU train coming from Shakur Basti suddenly climbed onto the platform at Mathura Railway Station. Although there have been no reports of casualties in this incident, people at the station panicked and started running in different directions to find a safe place. Videos of this incident are going viral on social media, clearly showing the train on the platform, which suffered significant damage.
Regarding the whole incident, the Director of Mathura Station, S.K. Srivastava, informed the media that all passengers had already disembarked from the train before the accident occurred. He mentioned that the cause of the incident is still unknown, as it came as a sudden surprise when the train unexpectedly climbed onto the platform. He stated that this train came from Shakur Basti and arrived at 10:49 PM, and all passengers had already disembarked.
He further explained that no one had any prior knowledge of this accident, as the train suddenly ended up on the platform. The director also mentioned that they are investigating the cause of this incident and that some train services on the Up line have been affected. Railway officials informed the media that efforts are underway to remove the train from the platform, and train services will resume once it’s done.
Eyewitnesses reported that after disembarking from the train, all passengers were slowly making their way to their destinations when the EMU train suddenly climbed onto the platform. No one had any idea that this would happen. The incident caused chaos at the railway station, with people running for safety, as nobody knew how far the train would go on the platform. Another eyewitness described the fear on the faces of women, children, and other passengers during this incident. Although it was late at night and there wasn’t a large crowd on the platform, people were waiting for their trains.
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