Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated the 2024-25 academic session at 18 Atal Residential Schools on Thursday. The event took place at the Atal Residential School in Mohanlalganj. CM Yogi announced that 57 more schools will be built in the second phase. These will be composite schools in 57 districts.
In the third phase, schools will open in all 350 tehsils. The fourth phase will cover 825 development blocks. The fifth phase will extend these schools to Nyaya Panchayat level, totaling 2,000 schools across the state.
Yogi stressed that the schools will offer quality education from Class 1 to 12. A children’s garden will also be added. He emphasized that all children, regardless of caste or background, will get equal access to education.
He said talent is not limited to any caste or religion. The government, he added, must provide platforms and opportunities for everyone.
Yogi criticized those who divide people for political gain. He said such individuals do not understand the struggles of the poor. Their only aim, he said, is to keep people in poverty and illiteracy for political advantage. Yogi affirmed that the Atal Residential Schools will serve as a model to counter this agenda.
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