Bharat Express

“They have seditious teachings,” claims the man who claimed responsibility for the blast in Kerala

Martin posted a video on social media wherein he stated that he had been a member of the Jehova’s Witnesses organisation for the previous sixteen years…

In Kalamassery, Kerala, an IED explosion on Sunday caused more than 45 injuries and killed a woman at a Jehovah’s Witness convention center.
A man went to the Kokadra police station and claimed responsibility for the incident while the situation was being investigated. The individual, who identified himself as Dominic Martin, also supplied some “evidence,” according to the Kerala Police, which is presently being looked into.

The following five facts regarding this ‘suspect’  are known to us:

1. According to reports, Martin posted a video on social media wherein he stated that he had been a member of the Jehova’s Witnesses organisation for the previous sixteen years. He said that the religious group’s doctrines were ‘seditious,’ according to sources.

Also read: Man gives himself in, taking responsibility for the explosion in Kerala

2. Martin allegedly stated in the now-deleted viral video that he accepts full responsibility even if he is unaware of what happened inside the convention center.

3. The man claimed to have discovered that Jehova’s Witnesses was a bad institution. Martin also stated that he repeatedly requested that the organisation “correct” its teachings, but that he received no response.

4. Martin claimed that Jehovah’s Witnesses and their philosophy were “dangerous” for the country and that the state needed to put a stop to them. “However, their ideology is flawed. Jehovah’s Witnesses: your worldview is incorrect. You show no respect or assistance to anyone. Except for yourself, you want everyone to be annihilated. That’s your philosophy,” he said.

Also read: Man gives himself in, taking responsibility for the explosion in Kerala

5. The individual is called Dominic Martin. In addition, he provided proof for his assertion. We are currently investigating it. M R Ajith Kumar, Kerala’s assistant director-general for law and order, said, “We are also looking into his claims and the justifications provided for carrying out the act.”