Delhi police official on Tuesday revealed that the bomb threat emails received earlier this month by 150 schools in Delhi-NCR are suspected to have been sent from the capital of Hungary- Budapest.
The IP address of the received emails has been traced to Budapest. Delhi police will soon contact its counterparts in Budapest and proceed with further investigation, a police official said.
On May 1, a mail purportedly sent from a server said that explosives were planted in the school premises in Delhi-NCR, leading to massive chaos in Schools. The incident triggered widespread evacuation and search as panicked parents rushed to their children.
The IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifying number assigned to every device that is connected to the Internet.
The threat that had put a question mark on the security of the nation and perked up the security establishment was later found to be a hoax as nothing objectionable was found during the search on the school campuses.
The police were investigating the matter and trying to reach the IP address used to send the e-mail to decipher the conspiracy and motive behind the act that resulted in mayhem across the Delhi-NCR.
The officials mentioned that a preliminary investigation suggests a potential “deeper conspiracy” orchestrated by a terrorist group during the ongoing Lok Sabha polls. They added that the threat email may have been sent by a module associated with ISIS.
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