The Allahabad High Court has directed the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Meerut to submit a personal affidavit explaining the reasons behind issuing an order in a petition that challenges the imposition of an adverse entry against a police officer for the same incident, despite having previously let him off with a warning. The next hearing for this case is scheduled for August 21st.
This directive was issued by Justice JJ Munir in response to a petition filed by Police Sub-Inspector Gopal Chauhan, who is currently stationed at the Link Road police station in Ghaziabad.
Advocate Irfan Ahmed Malik, who represented the petitioner, argued that when Chauhan was posted at the Lalkurti police station, an incident occurred involving Dharmendra Grover, a shopkeeper from Kripal Properties and Jewelers located in Bhopal Singh Market on Begum Bridge Road. Grover, despite regularly paying his rent, was brought to the police station and subsequently jailed due to a dispute between shop owners. The dispute arose when one owner sold the shop, and the buyer forcibly occupied it. In the process of attempting to vacate the shop, Grover was wrongfully sent to jail by Chauhan.
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Initially, the SSP had let Chauhan off with a warning, but later, after an inquiry, he was punished. Chauhan has now filed a petition challenging the double punishment for the same offense.