Sanjay Roy, the individual accused of raping and murdering a 31-year-old doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, reportedly confessed to the crime during a polygraph test conducted on Sunday. During the lie-detector examination, Roy told the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) that he had visited a red-light district with a friend shortly before the incident, though he claimed he did not engage in sexual activity there. He also admitted to molesting another woman on the street, according to reports from India Today.
Sanjay Roy’s polygraph test revealed inconsistencies in his statements. He had video-called his girlfriend earlier and requested explicit photos. On the night of the crime, Roy and his friend had drinks before heading to the red-light area. They then traveled to Chetla, another red-light district in South Kolkata, where they allegedly molested a woman. Following this, they returned to the hospital where Roy went to the corridor near the seminar hall at around 4:03 am. It is here that he allegedly raped and murdered the doctor before going to the home of his friend, Anupam Dutta, a police officer.
Further investigation by the CBI revealed that Roy was heavily addicted to pornography, with multiple explicit videos found on his phone. The victim, who had gone to the seminar hall to rest, was found with 25 external and internal injuries and was smothered to death.
Also read: Darshan’s ‘Party Life’ In Jail: Liquor, Non-Vegetarian Dishes, And More
In a separate development, the CBI is also investigating Dr. Sandip Ghosh, the former principal of the medical college. Dr. Ghosh underwent a lie-detector test on Saturday as part of the probe. The Supreme Court recently questioned the Kolkata Police for their delay in registering the FIR, which took over 12 hours. Additionally, the court accused Dr. Ghosh of attempting to misclassify the rape and murder as a suicide. The CBI is also examining allegations of financial irregularities involving Dr. Ghosh.
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