Bharat Express

Retired Officer Remains In Position At Greater Noida Authority Despite Retirement

It is alleged that, due to political protection, Leenu Sahgal is still working in the authority, holding the position of CEO of Planning and Architecture.

Greater Noida Authority

Greater Noida Authority

The Greater Noida Authority’s retired CEO of Planning and Architecture, Leenu Sahgal, remains in her position despite her retirement. Despite her retirement, various authority officials, including the CEO, have not dared to speak out against her, even though she is currently working in the authority illegally.

Allegations of corruption are being made openly within the Greater Noida Authority. The authority is embroiled in various legal cases related to land allotments and allegations of corruption. It is alleged that, due to political protection, Leenu Sahgal is still working in the authority, holding the position of CEO of Planning and Architecture. According to sources, a senior authority official is attempting to extend her service for this role as of September 30. This involves a significant push from the government to extend her service. However, no approval related to her service extension has been granted to the authority.

The Background

Leenu Sahgal, who was working in important departments in the central government, is considered a powerful official. This is why she was appointed to key positions even in the central government. After returning to the Greater Noida Authority this year, she retired on September 30. A senior authority official is actively trying to extend her service. For this, pressure is also being exerted on the government to grant service extensions. However, after Leenu Sahgal’s retirement, no document related to service extension has been received by the authority.

How the Game Started

It is surprising that despite the absence of an approved service extension, Leenu Sahgal is still working as CEO of Planning and Architecture within the authority. This position is considered essential and lucrative within the authority. Bharat Express has a document with Leenu Sahgal’s signature on it, dated October 5. While she retired five days earlier, how is she still signing documents in her capacity as CEO of Planning and Architecture? Since this matter is related to the Human Resources department, the ACEO may not be aware of it.

Leenu Sahgal Accuses ACEO of Lying

Leenu Sahgal claims that the order for her service extension was approved on October 1. Since this is an issue related to the Human Resources department, the ACEO may not have knowledge of it.

Serious Questions About the Fake Proposal

A senior authority official claims that the documents in the Board’s proposal related to placing Leenu Sahgal on service extension were approved by the authority chairman on October 6. In this case, questions arise as to why approval for placing her on service extension was needed on October 6 if it had already been approved on October 1. Additionally, if the chairman approved the proposal on October 6, on what authority did Leenu Sahgal sign government documents on October 5?