Prime Minister Narendra Modi today took to social media to once again commend the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for its groundbreaking achievements in space technology. In a post shared on the platform X, Modi proudly declared, “When it comes to space, bet on India!” His words underscored India’s impressive strides in space exploration, particularly over the past decade.
India’s space journey began in 1979 when ISRO successfully launched its first satellite, the Rohini satellite, on August 10 through the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-3 E10) rocket. While India’s first satellite, Aryabhatta, was launched earlier in 1975 with the help of the Soviet Union, the 1979 launch marked a significant milestone for India’s space capabilities.
Over the last ten years, ISRO has witnessed extraordinary growth, establishing itself as a global leader in space technology. Before 2014, India had launched a total of 106 satellites in a span of 35 years. However, in the decade since, India has launched a staggering 457 satellites, showcasing the tremendous progress made in the country’s space sector.
The past decade also saw a remarkable rise in India’s role in launching foreign satellites. Prior to 2014, India had launched only 35 foreign satellites. Since then, the number has surged to 398, further cementing ISRO’s reputation as a reliable and cost-effective space agency for satellite launches.
Also Read: Prime Minister Modi Celebrates India’s Progress And Unity In Message To The Nation
India’s satellite launch rate has dramatically increased since 2014. Between 1979 and 2014, the country launched an average of just 1.2 satellites per year. However, in the last ten years, this rate has more than quadrupled to an impressive 5.2 satellites per year, reflecting both the advancements in technology and ISRO’s growing capacity.
Prime Minister Modi’s praise for ISRO highlights the immense progress the Indian space agency has made in a short period. With its consistent achievements and the record-breaking number of satellites launched, ISRO is poised to continue its leadership role in the global space community. Modi’s message reinforces India’s vision to be at the forefront of space exploration, technology, and innovation in the years to come.
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