Under the leadership of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Prayagraj has transformed into a spiritual haven, with all sects of Sanatan Dharma actively participating, as the chants of ‘Har Har Mahadev’ from Shaivite Akharas and ‘Jai Shri Ram’ from Vaishnav Akharas are now joined by the resonant call of ‘Jai Shri Chandra’ from the Udasin Akharas.
The sacred sands of the Sangam come alive with the confluence of faith, spirituality, and devotion during Maha Kumbh 2025.
The presence of various Akharas has illuminated the entire Kumbh region, adding to its grandeur.
Udasin Akharas Mark Their Presence
Following the Sanayasi and Vaishnav Akharas, the Udasin sect has now marked its presence in the Akhara sector.
In a grand display of tradition and faith, the Shri Panchayati Akhara Naya Udasin held its ceremonial entry procession into the Kumbh city.
The grand cantonment entry procession of Shri Panchayati Akhara Naya Udasin into the Maha Kumbh area was a magnificent sight.
Devotees from the city and the Kumbh region gathered in large numbers to witness the event, reflecting their deep faith.
Leading the procession was the revered deity Shri Chandradev Bhagwan’s palanquin, followed by a grand parade of the Akhara’s saints and mahants, creating a divine and awe-inspiring experience.
The chants of Guru Nanak’s Gurbani echoed throughout, adding to the spiritual atmosphere.
According to Mahant Jagtar Muni, the Akhara’s secretary, more than 7,000 saints, including mahants, Shri Mahants, and Mahamandaleshwars, participated in this ceremonial entry, showcasing a remarkable blend of tradition and devotion.
The entry procession began at Munshi Ram Baghia in Muthiganj and made its way through various routes in the city before reaching the Maha Kumbh area.
Along the way, local residents welcomed the saints with floral showers at several locations.
Mahant Jagtar Muni mentioned that after entering the Maha Kumbh grounds, the Akhara will organize various religious, social, and cultural events.
Known for rejecting caste and social hierarchies, the Akhara will host daily community meals (langars) for thousands of people, set up medical camps, and hold spiritual discourses by saints.
Also Read: CM Yogi Flags Off Special Shuttle & Electric Buses For Maha Kumbh In Prayagraj
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