Bharat Express

PM Modi Halts Speech As Journalist Faints At Mayurbhanj Rally, Directs Medical Team To Assist (WATCH)

Before resuming his speech, Modi echoed the patriotic chant of “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” three times, underscoring his unwavering dedication to the nation and its people.

In a display of compassion and attentiveness, Prime Minister Narendra Modi showed concern for a journalist who fainted during his Lok Sabha Elections 2024 rally in Mayurbhanj, Odisha, on Wednesday. Upon noticing the journalist’s distress, PM Modi immediately halted his speech and directed his medical team to attend to him promptly.

As Modi was addressing the rally, the journalist fell unconscious, prompting the Prime Minister to interrupt his address. With swift action, Modi instructed his medical team to provide the necessary assistance, ensuring the journalist received immediate medical attention.

“Please give him some water. If my team’s doctors are here, please help him. First, give him water and arrange to take him outside. Get him in the open. Slowly, don’t rush. ‘Aaram se’. Make some space so that he can get some air,” Modi stated, demonstrating his concern for the journalist’s well-being.

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Meanwhile, PM Modi emphasized the importance of perseverance, encouraging her not to tire herself out. He reassured her that his efforts were aimed at building a prosperous India for the future generation, saying, “Beta, I am working hard for you. When you grow up, Viksith Bharat will be your strength.”

Amidst the commotion, Modi reiterated the need for cooperation, urging the crowd to allow his medical team to perform their duties without interference. “My team’s doctors have reached. Please allow them to do their job. Others please don’t trouble them,” Modi affirmed, prioritizing the journalist’s welfare.

Before resuming his speech, Modi echoed the patriotic chant of “Bharat Mata Ki Jai” three times, underscoring his unwavering dedication to the nation and its people.