Bundi: Om Birla, the MP for Kota-Bundi, criticized the previous opposition party regimes on Sunday. He stated that people had to face bullets for the Ram Temple and wait more than seven decades for Article 370 to be abolished. Birla, who is contesting on a BJP ticket from the Bundi parliamentary constituency, believes that India has undergone a significant transformation over the last decade under Narendra Modi’s leadership. He thinks that the country will continue to develop over the next five years. Birla, who is also the Lok Sabha Speaker, addressed a crowd at the Khel Sankul in Bundi city, where he inaugurated a Rs 5.50 crore swimming pool. According to him, India is undergoing a “religious and spiritual renaissance” and will become a developed country under the current regime.
He also commended the Modi government for repealing colonial-era penal laws and replacing them with three newly enacted criminal justice legislations. Birla claimed that the day those colonial rules were repealed and amended, the country was freed from the slave mindset.
He urged people to maintain their physical and mental health to transform India into a developed country. He mentioned that hundreds of athletes will receive training at the Khel Sankul in Bundi. Sports initiatives worth Rs 21 crore are currently underway at the Khel Sankul, and another Rs 21 crore will be sanctioned soon, he added. Birla informed reporters that improvements to sports facilities, including a sports dorm, will cost Rs 100 crore at the Khel Sankul.
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