The discussion regarding the no-confidence motion will take place in Lok Sabha on Tuesday. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi is also scheduled to address the Lok Sabha, marking his first appearance following the revocation of his disqualification. As per speculations, he is poised to challenge the ruling party, BJP, and the Prime Minister regarding the Manipur issue. It is anticipated that the session will last for about 12 hours. Reportedly, approximately 6 hours and 41 minutes are allotted for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). On the other hand, Congress has one hour and 15 minutes to speak on their motion. While the debates are scheduled to unfold across two days, August 8 and 9, PM Modi will be responding to the debate on the third day, August 10.
Furthermore, Smriti Irani and Scindia have also been put forth by the BJP to launch a sharp retaliation against the Wayanad representative. On August 9, the Home Minister is scheduled to weigh in to assess the situation on the ground.
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