Bharat Express

Nuh On High Alert Ahead Of Religious Procession; Haryana Government Suspends Mobile Internet

Last year’s violence on July 31 saw two home guards killed and at least 15 others, including several policemen, injured as a mob tried to stop a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession in Nuh, pelting stones and setting cars on fire.

The Haryana government ordered a 24-hour suspension of mobile internet and bulk SMS services in Nuh district starting from 6 pm Sunday to 6 pm Monday, ahead of the Braj Mandal Jalabhishek Yatra. This decision was taken by Haryana Additional Chief Secretary (Home) Anurag Rastogi, aiming to prevent violence similar to what occurred during the same event last year.

The suspension aims to curb the spread of misinformation and rumors on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. The official order expressed concerns about potential tension, annoyance, agitation, damage to public and private property, and disturbance of public peace in Nuh district.

To ensure the smooth conduct of the yatra, the Nuh police have implemented tight security measures. Local police, along with commando units, mounted police, dog squads, and bomb squads, have been strategically positioned throughout the district. Continuous search operations and surveillance are being conducted using drones and dog squads to ensure safety. All vehicles entering and leaving the district are being recorded on video, and dog squad inspections are taking place at various checkpoints.

Mounted police are also present at different locations within the district. To instill a sense of security among the public, a flag march was conducted under the supervision of the Superintendent of Police, Nuh.

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Additionally, the police have denied permission for cow vigilante Bittu Bajrangi to attend the yatra. Bajrangi, the national president of Goraksha Bajrang Force, was arrested last year for making divisive statements that allegedly incited communal clashes in Nuh district.

Last year’s violence on July 31 saw two home guards killed and at least 15 others, including several policemen, injured as a mob tried to stop a Vishva Hindu Parishad procession in Nuh, pelting stones and setting cars on fire. That same night, a mob attacked a mosque in Gurugram, killing its naib imam. In the immediate aftermath of the interfaith clash, at least five people were killed and many others were injured.