Bharat Express

No electricity failure in kumbh nagar

Around 1.5 lakh ICT based monitoring system, power supply will be monitored through QR coding and GO tagging. 


The state government is keeping no stone unturned for making Mahakumbh 2025 of Prayagraj historic and memorable. More than seven crore  pilgrims are expected to attend the world biggest religious fair which will be organized on the banks of the holy confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati.
This time the budget is almost double in comparison  to last Kumbh in which  government had spent Rs 192 crore, but this time the amount is close to Rs 400 crore.

More than 67 thousand street lights will be installed to illuminate the entire Mahakumbh Mela area with milky light. There will be about two thousand solar hybrid street lights.

Apart from this, Yogi government will also arrange 109 DG sets for uninterrupted power supply. With this, power will be supplied 24 hours to the entire fair area. Apart from this, 15 ring main units of 11 KV will also be installed, so that in case of sudden power supply interruption, power can be obtained immediately by auto changing from another source. These will be installed after every 6 sub stations.

For repairing of lights  modern vans will operate in the area . After the Maha Kumbh Mela is over, these vans will be used for the upcoming Magh Melas and street lights of Prayagraj city.

Similarly , four mobile high mast generators will also be installed. These will be used to illuminate different work areas in the fair area before the fair is electrified. After the Maha Kumbh Mela is over, these mobile high mast generators will be used for the upcoming Magh Mela and Prayagraj city.
In Kumbh Nagar  Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will also be installed which will  maintain the street lights and wires installed in the fair. Around 1.5 lakh ICT based monitoring system, power supply will be monitored through QR coding and GO tagging.

This will help in immediately detecting faults and current leakage and repairing them as soon as possible. To monitor the power supply in the fair area, proper mapping of the entire area will be done through Auto CAD.