
Lucknow: Nilanchal Express Passes Through expanded Tracks, Driver Halts Timely, Balasore Like Train Accident Averted

Lucknow: Major train accident was averted at the Nigohan railway station in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh. According to information, as soon as the Nilanchal Express passed through the loop line at around 5 pm on Saturday evening, the tracks melted due to heat. Actually, the train was running on loop line at Nigohan station, instead of main line.

Track was repaired

When the loco pilot felt a shock after the track was melted he stopped the train. Immediately the pilot informed the control room. After this, Railway’s engineering section repaired the track.

Probe set up

According to he experts, this might have happened due to poor maintenance. Lucknow’s DRM Suresh Sapra has set up an inquiry into the whole matter.

Why train passed through loop line

As per the sources another train was standing on the main line of Prayagraj-Pratapgarh route at railway station due to which Nilanchal  Express had to pass through the loop line. However the driver the halted the train on time which averted a major train accident.

Also Read: Antony Blinken Makes A Rare Visit To China On To Bring Down Temperature

Shivanshi Srivastava

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