Bharat Express

NDA Partners Must Advocate For Inclusivity & Reject Divisive Actions: Syed Sadatullah Husaini

JIH President Syed Sadatullah Husaini has advised the NDA partners to promote inclusive policies and oppose any actions that divide society.


The President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH), Syed Sadatullah Husaini, has advised the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) partners to promote inclusive policies and oppose any actions that divide society.

In a monthly press conference held at the JIH headquarters, Husaini addressed a range of issues and responded to media queries regarding the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections.

Reflecting on the election results, Husaini remarked, “We consider the election results a resounding mandate against hate and divisive politics. Jamaat-e-Islami Hind congratulates the people of India for their enthusiastic and active participation in the electoral process.”

Husaini urged political parties and the ruling coalition to learn from this mandate. He emphasized a move away from hate, communal and caste divides, stereotyping, labeling, and stigmatization.

He asserted, “It is imperative to abandon extreme capitalist policy formulations and instead focus on building a society where everyone feels valued and respected, irrespective of religious and caste considerations.”

“We strongly urge the new government to end the misuse of state machinery and constitutional bodies against political or ideological opponents. Such practices undermine the principles of democracy and erode public trust in our institutions,” Husaini stated.

Urging Responsibility & Unity; A Call To NDA Partners & Opposition Parties

Addressing the NDA partners specifically, Husaini stressed, “The responsibility of NDA partners in the ruling party has increased manifold. People expect them to be vigilant, fair, and responsible.

“Succumbing to pressure from the ruling dispensation and compromising on core values and principles would be a serious betrayal of the people of India who voted for them to play a crucial role. We urge these partners to actively promote policies that foster unity, respect, and inclusiveness, and to stand firm against any actions that may divide our society,” he added.

Husaini also highlighted the need for introspection among opposition parties. He observed that while some leaders were clear and vocal, there was a noticeable lack of vigor, energy, and assertiveness among many others.

“In many areas, there was a significant disconnect between opposition candidates and voters. In some states, an unnecessary fear psychosis and reluctance regarding secular and inclusive policies was evident. The election outcome indicates that a more organized, united, and vibrant campaign involving all sections of society by the opposition could have yielded different results,” he further noted.

Meanwhile, the JIH President commended the pivotal role played by the poor, farmers, laborers, marginalized communities, and minorities in the elections.

He further lauded the efforts of civil society movements, independent journalists, social media influencers, community organizations, women’s groups, students, and other non-political sectors for awakening the public conscience.

He emphasized the need for these groups to remain vigilant and continue to act as active watchdogs, ensuring that the people’s mandate is respected by politicians.

The press conference also featured addresses by JIH Vice President Malik Moatasim Khan and JIH Vice President Prof Salim Engineer. The program was convened by JIH National Assistant Secretary for Media, Salman Ahmad.

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