Bharat Express

Mumbai: Powai A Miracle Zone

Powai's Bus Incident Miracle

Powai's Bus Incident Miracle

Mumbai: Powai, a middle-aged guy who has not been recognized was struck by a bus, but miraculously, he remained unharmed. In fact, the footage of the incident showed a man was ‘run over’ by the bus.

The event reportedly occurred on Tuesday at 2:40 p.m. outside the Everest Heights Buildings in the Powai neighbourhood next to the LakeSide complex. It was caught on CCTV, and the footage that was posted to social media quickly went viral.

In the 45-second video, which shows automobiles going slowly on a busy, narrow road without a barrier, a number of people are seen circling the area or cautiously crossing it.

A man is suddenly crossing the street when a student-filled bus approaching from behind pushes him to the ground. He stumbles and attempts to stand up, but is flung flat, and the bus runs over him entirely.

The mishap was discovered by a few astonished bystanders and a nearby building security officer. The bus driver reportedly waved and yelled at them, stopping the vehicle and opening his door to check out the ruckus.

Soon after, the “run-over” guy stood up, seemingly unharmed but scared, and quickly approached the bus driver to express his displeasure.

Also Read: A Festive Turned To Grief: Madhya Pradesh Rewa bus accident

Resident’s Reaction to The Incident In Mumbai

According to Pradeep S. Menon, a local marketing expert, traffic in the residential and business Powai-Chandivali neighbourhoods has reached absurd levels. “These occurrences may not always result in a miracle,” thus the Mumbai Traffic Police and the (BMC) need to take immediate action.

“Not at all the driver’s fault. He had a blind spot in that regard. I thank God that nobody was harmed. One guy commented on Twitter, “People need to be careful when crossing the road.

“Clearly a blind point. not the drivers’ fault. Another confirmed, “He even stopped to observe what was going on.