Bharat Express

MLA Dr. Rajeshwar Singh Urges CM Yogi to Establish India’s First AI Commission in UP, Here’s Why It’s Essential

During their meeting, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh presented a letter to the Chief Minister, urging for the formation of the country’s first AI Commission in Uttar Pradesh.

MLA Rajeshwar Singh with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath

MLA Rajeshwar Singh with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath

BJP MLA Dr. Rajeshwar Singh recently met with Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in Lucknow, advocating for the establishment of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based commission in Uttar Pradesh. In a social media post sharing their interaction, Dr. Singh hailed CM Yogi Adityanath as a visionary leader and sought his blessings and guidance for this initiative.

During their meeting, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh presented a letter to the Chief Minister, urging for the formation of the country’s first AI Commission in Uttar Pradesh. He emphasized the potential benefits of integrating AI into various sectors including law enforcement, healthcare, education, traffic management, and employment generation. Notably, no such commission has been established by any state or central government in India, making Uttar Pradesh poised to take a leadership role in this domain.

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Dr. Rajeshwar Singh proposed the structure of the commission, suggesting the inclusion of senior officials from the Information Technology department to ensure effective oversight and regulation of AI usage. He highlighted the importance of AI in addressing key challenges and opportunities in the state, such as enhancing law and order, disaster management, economic growth, transportation, education, infrastructure development, and government welfare schemes.

Moreover, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh underscored the need for proactive measures to mitigate potential risks associated with AI, including social manipulation, privacy violations, economic crises, and job displacement. He stressed the importance of public awareness and informed policymaking to harness the full potential of AI while safeguarding against its misuse.

Given Uttar Pradesh’s status as the most populous and rapidly developing state in India, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh emphasized the urgency of establishing a robust regulatory framework for AI to address the unique socio-economic challenges and opportunities in the state. He called for the formation of an expert committee comprising individuals and organizations with specialized knowledge to guide the implementation of AI policies and ensure constitutional compliance.

In conclusion, Dr. Rajeshwar Singh’s proposal for an AI commission in Uttar Pradesh reflects a forward-thinking approach to leverage technology for inclusive development and good governance. It underscores the state’s commitment to harnessing innovation to address pressing socio-economic issues and propel Uttar Pradesh towards a brighter future.