Bharat Express

Mangled Body of Missing 3-Year-Old Girl Found in Rampur, Police Launch Investigation

Anaija, the victim, reportedly went missing on April 7 after going to a shop in her village to purchase candy. The family looked for the youngster but could not find her.

Rampur: Police discovered the mangled body of a missing 3-year-old on Wednesday. According to the officials, they found the body of the minor tucked inside a polythene bag at an empty site in Bilaspur. The victim, identified as Anaija, had reportedly gone missing on April 7 after visiting a shop in her village to purchase candy. Despite the family’s efforts to locate the youngster, she could not be found.

Mohammad Salim Warsi, Danish’s uncle and former district president of BKU Bhanu, immediately informed the police. Police arrived at the scene and retrieved the body, noting that the deceased’s body was stuffed inside a polythene bag, hands tied, both legs severed and dumped over a pile of garbage.

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The family members started an uproar, accusing the grocer and his family members of murdering their daughter. The police explained the situation and pacified everyone. SP Rajesh Dwivedi reached the spot around 10 am and searched the incident site and the grocer’s house, but he was not found at home. Police took four members of the accused’s family into custody for questioning, and the body was sent for postmortem examination.

On Wednesday, authorities received information about a girl’s body found on an empty plot near the victim’s home. Rushing to the scene, the crew discovered the girl’s body placed in a trash bag atop a mound of debris, he added. A complaint has been filed under Indian Penal Code Section 302 (murder) against unnamed individuals, and additional investigation is proceeding, he said.

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