BRS leader K Kavitha was released from Tihar Jail on Tuesday evening after the Supreme Court granted her bail in connection with the Delhi excise policy case. As she exited the jail, she proudly chanted the slogan “Jai Telangana.”
A video captured the emotional moment outside Tihar Jail, where K Kavitha was seen embracing her son and husband. Her supporters warmly welcomed her as she walked free, following more than five months of incarceration.
Also read: Delhi High Court Denies Petition To Speed Up Live-Streaming Of Court Proceedings
Speaking to reporters, K Kavitha expressed her gratitude and emotions, saying, “I am deeply thankful to all of you. Meeting my son, brother, and husband today after nearly five months brought out a wave of emotions. The only reason for my imprisonment was politics. The entire country knows that I was jailed purely due to political motives. I have done nothing wrong, and I will continue to fight.”
She added, “We will pursue justice both legally and politically. This has only strengthened the bond within BRS and KCR’s team, making us unbreakable.”
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