Bharat Express

Indore: Bharat Express Chairman Upendrra Rai Convenes With Minister Kailash Vijayvargiya At Indian Journalism Festival

The Indian Journalism Festival, held at Jal Sabhagriha in Indore, commenced on June 21 and concludes this evening, June 23.

Upendrra Rai, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Bharat Express in Indore.

Upendrra Rai, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Bharat Express in Indore.

Upendrra Rai, the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Bharat Express News Channel, arrived in Indore, recognized as the cleanest city in India, to participate in the three-day Indian Journalism Festival. Upon his arrival, he received a warm welcome. In the afternoon, Upendrra Rai met with Madhya Pradesh’s Urban Bodies Minister, Kailash Vijayvargiya, and Indore Mayor, Pushyamitra Bhargava. He actively engaged in discussions about various aspects of journalism.

51 Lakh Saplings to be Planted in Indore

Upendrra Rai announced Bharat Express’s support for a major greenery initiative in Indore. The city is set to undertake an extensive tree plantation campaign, aiming to plant 51 lakh saplings. Minister Kailash Vijayvargiya shared details of the campaign, scheduled for July. Emphasizing the significance of this initiative, Upendrra Rai committed Bharat Express to promoting the importance of tree plantation across the nation.

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Indian Journalism Festival Highlights

The Indian Journalism Festival, held at Jal Sabhagriha in Indore, commenced on June 21 and concludes this evening, June 23. The event featured multiple sessions discussing various issues and challenges faced by the journalism industry. Numerous prominent media figures participated, sharing their insights and perspectives on navigating the evolving landscape of journalism.