Bharat Express

Here’s How Anand Mahindra Responded To The Critics Of Chandrayaan-3 Spending

Tweet from Anand Mahindra said, “There will be many who will question why we’re spending money on Chandrayaan-3 and indeed, on the entire space program.”

Anand Mahindra

Anand Mahindra

There is a part of public which is apparently not very happy over the spending that has been done on Chandrayaan 3. So they are posing questions on the expenditure of government on the moon mission. Businessman Anand Mahindra has given a very imperative reply to all the critics. He took it to Twitter and said, “Reaching for the stars fills us with pride in our advancing technology.”

Anand Mahindra’s Tweet said…

Tweet from Anand Mahindra said, “There will be many who will question why we’re spending money on Chandrayaan-3 and indeed, on the entire space program. Here is the answer. When we reach for the stars it fills us with pride in our technology & with self-confidence as a nation. It literally inspires each of us to reach for the stars.”

The Mahindra group chairman sent a tweet along with a video showing a sizable throng assembled at a special gallery close to the space centre in Andhra Pradesh to see Chandrayaan-3 launch. the gallery installed by Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) close to the Satish Dhawan Space Centre’s (SDSC) main entrance.

Mahindra’s remarks, while not specifically directed at anyone, appeared to refute the widespread argument that we should put more effort into solving current problems on Earth rather than pursuing ambitious space programmes.

Also Read: Greetings Pour In From All Over The World On India’s Successful Chandrayaan-3 Launch

Anand Mahindra, excited for Chandrayaan-3

Ahead of launch, Mahindra also expressed his enthusiasm, quote tweeting the ISRO’s one of the post on the mission. “At lift-off, it won’t just be the rocket taking flight, it will be our spirits too…Go, Chandrayaan!”

Before attempting to touch down on the surface of the Moon on August 23, Chandrayaan-3 will travel for a month. The third lunar exploration project of ISRO, a follow-up mission to Chandrayaan-2, intends to make a soft landing on the lunar surface. If successful, India would join the United States, the former Soviet Union, and China as the only other countries to have achieved this feat.