In a tragic incident in Ghaziabad, an 18-year-old woman named Sheeba from Uttarakhand was allegedly murdered by her brother, Sufiyan Nawab, and cousin, Mehtab Akhtar. Police, deeming it a hate crime, revealed that Sheeba’s relationship with a Hindu man in Roorkee had incited her brother’s disapproval.
The crime came to light when a police patrol discovered Nawab and Akhtar near the Muradnagar canal on Saturday. Upon questioning, the suspects reportedly confessed to the murder. An FIR for murder was subsequently filed against them by Ghaziabad police.
According to authorities, Sheeba’s family, dissatisfied with her inter-community relationship, had sent her to her cousin’s house in Delhi two months earlier in an attempt to end the association. However, her brother allegedly planned the murder upon visiting Shahdara recently.
The perpetrators, transporting Sheeba to the Muradnagar canal, asked her to end the relationship. Upon her refusal, they reportedly strangled her with a cloth and dumped her body into the canal. The police, registering a suo motu FIR to strengthen the case, emphasized that the family’s willingness to file a complaint might have weakened the legal proceedings later.
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The suspects left Shahdara with Sheeba in an auto on December 16, reaching the crime scene at 4 pm. CCTV footage showed all three walking towards the location. After the murder, they discarded her clothes and were intercepted by a police patrol, preventing their escape.
Ghaziabad police have invoked sections 302 (murder) and 201 (destruction of evidence) of the Indian Penal Code against the accused. Authorities are now collaborating with divers and the National Disaster Response Force to locate Sheeba’s body, stating they have sufficient circumstantial evidence to build a strong case against the suspects.
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