Bharat Express

Government Blocks 392 Mobile Phones In Crackdown On Electricity KYC Scam

To curb rising fraud cases in electricity KYC updates involving mobile numbers, the government has launched strict measures for citizen protection.


In response to increasing reports of fraudulent activities involving mobile numbers in electricity KYC update scams, the government has initiated stringent measures to protect citizens.

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has been at the forefront of this effort, utilizing advanced technology and collaborative efforts with telecom service providers (TSPs) to combat cybercrimes.

The DoT deployed the ‘Chakshu’ portal, a dedicated platform for reporting and analyzing fraudulent activities, which initially flagged five suspicious mobile numbers.

Leveraging AI-driven analysis capabilities, the portal uncovered a staggering network of 392 handsets associated with 31,740 mobile numbers engaged in fraudulent activities.

The DoT took swift action, instructing all TSPs to block the IMEI numbers of 392 identified mobile handsets misused in cybercrimes and financial frauds.

Furthermore, the DoT directed TSPs to actively re-verify the 31,740 mobile connections linked to these compromised handsets.

In a stern warning, the DoT emphasized that failure to comply with re-verification protocols would lead to swift disconnection of reported numbers and blocking of associated handsets.

The government highlighted the crucial role of vigilant citizens who reported suspected fraud communications through the ‘Chakshu-Report Suspected Fraud Communications’ facility on the Sanchar Saathi portal of DoT.

This proactive involvement has significantly aided authorities in detecting and preventing cybercrimes and financial frauds.

According to statements from the Department, fraudsters have been observed using tactics such as sending SMS and WhatsApp messages under the guise of electricity KYC updates, along with distributing malicious APK files to compromise victims’ devices.

This initiative underscores the DoT’s unwavering commitment to fortifying the security of telecommunications networks and safeguarding citizens from digital fraud.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, such proactive measures are crucial in maintaining the integrity of digital transactions and protecting the interests of the public.

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