On Tuesday, world-renowned industrialist Gautam Adani, accompanied by his family, arrived in Prayagraj to take part in the holy darshan of the Maha Kumbh. He was joined by his wife, Dr. Preeti Adani, Chairperson of the Adani Foundation, his son Karan Adani, daughter-in-law Paridhi Adani, and his granddaughters. Jeet Adani, Gautam’s younger son, also participated in the spiritual journey. During his visit, Adani also shared the date of his son Jeet’s wedding, announcing it will take place on February 7, 2025. When asked by journalists if there would be a “Maha Kumbh” of celebrities at the wedding, he responded that it would be a simple family affair.
Gautam Adani’s spiritual journey began at ISKCON around 12:30 pm, where he participated in the preparation of prasad in the kitchen. Dr. Preeti Adani and Paridhi Adani helped prepare food, including applying ghee to rotis and peeling peas. Afterward, the family distributed the prasad and consumed it together.
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Following this, Gautam Adani traveled by boat to Sangam Sthal, where he took a holy dip in the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati rivers. Overwhelmed by the experience, Adani spoke to the media, calling the event “amazing, unique, and supernatural.” He said, “Coming to Prayagraj, it felt as if the faith, service spirit, and cultures of the whole world have merged in the lap of Maa Ganga.” He expressed gratitude to the government, administration, sanitation workers, and security forces for their efforts in maintaining the grandeur and divinity of the Kumbh Mela.
Acknowledging Government Efforts And Future Plans
Gautam Adani expressed his heartfelt thanks to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the grand scale of the event. He also praised the Kumbh administration and the police for their contributions to the event’s success.
During his visit, Adani also made time to visit the Geeta Press pandal, where he distributed Aarti collections. In collaboration with Geeta Press, Adani pledged to distribute 1 crore Aarti collections and provide meals to 1 lakh people daily in partnership with ISKCON.
Itinerary Of Gautam Adani’s Visit To Prayagraj
- 12:30 pm: Prasad seva at ISKCON
- 1:20 pm: Arrival at Sangam Ghat, followed by a boat ride to Sangam Sthal
- 2:00 pm: Visit to Bade Hanuman Temple for Puja-Archana
- 2:30 pm: Distribution of Aarti collections at the Geeta Press stall
- Following the visit, Adani continued his journey to Ahmedabad after stopping at the Sri Shankaracharya Temple Viman Mandap.
Gautam Adani’s visit to the Maha Kumbh highlighted not only his spiritual devotion but also his commitment to community welfare through various charitable initiatives.
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